Basic Usage

Basic Usage

At it’s core, League\Container allows you to register services, with or without their dependencies for later retrieval. It is a registry of sorts that used correctly can allow you to implement the Dependency Injection design pattern.

Classes & dependencies

We have a class, Foo, that depends on another class, Bar.


namespace Acme;

class Foo
     * @type Acme\Bar
    public $bar;

     * Construct.
     * @param \Acme\Bar $bar
    public function __construct(Bar $bar)
        $this->bar = $bar;

class Bar
    // ...

There are several ways to now register this service with the container.


The container can be configured to register Foo against an alias with it’s dependencies as a prototype so that every time it is retrieved, it will be a new instance of Foo with Bar injected in to the constructor.


use Acme\{Foo, Bar};
use League\Container\Container;

$container = new Container;

    ->add('alias_for_foo', Foo::class)

$container->add('alias_for_bar', Bar::class);

$foo1 = $container->get('alias_for_foo');
$foo2 = $container->get('alias_for_foo');

var_dump($foo1 instanceof Foo);      // true
var_dump($foo1 === $foo2);           // false
var_dump($foo1->bar instanceof Bar); // true
var_dump($foo1->bar === $foo2->bar); // false

Aliases can be useful when implementing interfaces.


namespace Acme;

interface FooInterface
    // ...

class Foo implements FooInterface
    // ...

Now you can register Foo against it’s interface as an alias FooInterface, meaning that whenever you retrieve FooInterface from the container, it will be the concrete implementation Foo that is returned.


use Acme\{Foo, FooInterface};
use League\Container\Container;

$container = new Container;

$container->add(FooInterface::class, Foo::class);

$container = new League\Container\Container;

// register the service as a prototype against the fully qualified classname

// now to retrieve this service we can just retrieve the classname
// each time we `get` the service it will be a new instance
$service1 = $container->get('Acme\Service\SomeService');
$service2 = $container->get('Acme\Service\SomeService');

var_dump($service1 instanceof Acme\Service\SomeService); // true
var_dump($service1 === $service2); // false

There may be occasions where you wish the service to be the same instance each time you retrieve it. There are two ways to achieve this, declare it as shared, or register a ready built instance of an object.


$container = new League\Container\Container;

// register the service as shared against the fully qualified classname

// you retrieve the service in exactly the same way, however, each time you
// call `get` you will retrieve the same instance
$service1 = $container->get('Acme\Service\SomeService');
$service2 = $container->get('Acme\Service\SomeService');

var_dump($service1 instanceof Acme\Service\SomeService); // true
var_dump($service1 === $service2); // true

$container = new League\Container\Container;

// register the service as an instance against an alias
$container->add('service', new Acme\Service\SomeService);

// you retrieve the service in exactly the same way, however, each time you
// call `get` you will retrieve the same instance
$service1 = $container->get('service');
$service2 = $container->get('service');

var_dump($service1 instanceof Acme\Service\SomeService); // true
var_dump($service1 === $service2); // true