Upgrade Guide


Here we will attempt to provide as clear a guide as possible for upgrading to the latest version of the package.

If you notice anything missing from this page, please create an issue, or pull request.

3.x to 4.x

PHP Version

PHP 7.2+ is now required.

API Changes

Container and Definitions

Container::add no longer accepts a 3rd argument $shared. To define a shared item, use Container::addShared.

// old
$container->add($id, $concrete, true);
// new
$container->addShared($id, $concrete);

If a container is set to be shared by default, to define a non-shared item, use Definition::setShared(false).

// old
$container->add($id, $concrete, false);
// new
$container->add($id, $concrete)->setShared(false);

The convenience method Container::share has been replaced with Container::addShared.

// old
$container->share($id, $concrete);
// new
$container->addShared($id, $concrete);

Container::get no longer accepts a 2nd argument $new. To force resolution of a new item, use Container::getNew.

// old
$container->get($id, true);
// new

Service Providers

ServiceProviderInterface methods now declare a return type of void.

// old
public function boot()
    // ...

public function register()
    // ...

// new
public function boot(): void
    // ...

public function register(): void
    // ...

The distinction between AbstractServiceProvider::getContainer and AbstractServiceProvider::getLeagueContainer has been removed. Always just use AbstractServiceProvider::getContainer.

public function register(): void
    // old
    $this->getLeagueContainer()->add($id, $concrete);
    // new
    $this->getContainer()->add($id, $concrete);

Service providers are now expected to implement bool ServiceProviderInterface::provides rather than defining a array $provides property.

class MyServiceProvider extends League\Container\ServiceProvider\AbstractServiceProvider
    // old
    protected $provides = [
    // new example, should return true if the service provider provides
    // a service for the given alias $id
    public function provides(string $id): bool
        $services = [
        return in_array($id, $services);

Argument Wrappers

Any use of ClassName/ClassNameInterface or RawArgument/RawArgumentInterface should be removed in favour of ResolvableArgument and LiteralArgument.

// old
$container->add('string', new League\Container\Argument\RawArgument('a string'));
// new
$container->add('string', new League\Container\Argument\Literal\StringArgument('a string'));

See full documentation to determine the best changes for you.

2.x to 4.x

PHP Version

PHP 7.2+ is now required.

API Changes

Container and Definitions

Container::add no longer accepts a 3rd argument $shared. To define a shared item, use Container::addShared.

// old
$container->add($id, $concrete, true);
// new
$container->addShared($id, $concrete);

The convenience method Container::share has been replaced with Container::addShared.

// old
$container->share($id, $concrete);
// new
$container->addShared($id, $concrete);

Container::call has been removed, use ReflectionContainer::call instead.

// old
$container->call($callable, $args);
// new
(new League\Container\ReflectionContainer())->call($callable, $args);

Container::hasInDelegate has been removed, use Container::has, or specifically, DelegateContainer::has if you need to determine where the service is coming from.

$delegateContainer = new DelegateContainer();
// old
// new
$container->has($id); // checks main container and then all delegates
$delegateContainer->has($id); // check specifically in the delegate

Container::get no longer accepts a 2nd argument $args with an array of runtime arguments to pass to the service on resolution.

Arguments should be defined at the same time the service is defined. If you are relying on defining arguments at runtime, you are likely using service location, this is not what the container is designed for and you shouldn’t.

If you absolutely need to do this, a better way would be to define your service with no arguments, extend it, and add the arguments to the definition.

// old
$container->get($id, $args);
// new

Be aware though that these arguments will be used for subsequent resolutions of that service, if you need to resolve the service multiple times with different arguments, either define multiple aliases for the same service, or first extend the service, and clone it before adding the arguments.

$originalDefinition = $container->extend($id);
$clonedDefinition = clone $originalDefinition;


All withX methods have been replaced with addX to better describe the behaviour.

// old
$container->add($id, $concrete)->withArgument($arg);
$container->add($id, $concrete)->withArguments($args);
$container->add($id, $concrete)->withMethodCall('method', [$args]);
$container->add($id, $concrete)->withMethodCalls(['method' => [$args]]);
// new
$container->add($id, $concrete)->addArgument($arg);
$container->add($id, $concrete)->addArguments($args);
$container->add($id, $concrete)->addMethodCall('method', [$args]);
$container->add($id, $concrete)->addMethodCalls(['method' => [$args]]);

Service Providers

ServiceProviderInterface methods now declare a return type of void.

// old
public function boot()
    // ...

public function register()
    // ...

// new
public function boot(): void
    // ...

public function register(): void
    // ...

The distinction between AbstractServiceProvider::getContainer and AbstractServiceProvider::getLeagueContainer has been removed. Always just use AbstractServiceProvider::getContainer.

public function register(): void
    // old
    $this->getLeagueContainer()->add($id, $concrete);
    // new
    $this->getContainer()->add($id, $concrete);

Service providers are now expected to implement bool ServiceProviderInterface::provides rather than defining a array $provides property.

class MyServiceProvider extends League\Container\ServiceProvider\AbstractServiceProvider
    // old
    protected $provides = [
    // new example, should return true if the service provider provides
    // a service for the given alias $id
    public function provides(string $id): bool
        $services = [
        return in_array($id, $services);


Sub-type definition classes CallableDefinition and ClassDefinition have been removed and are now just League\Container\Definition\Definition, this will only require action if you build definitions manually or have created your own definition classes that extend these.